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Prof.Hadas Wiseman 

Hadas Wiseman, PhD, Clinical psychologist and Professor at the Department of Counseling and Human Development, Faculty of Education, University of Haifa, Israel.
During her doctoral research at York University, Toronto, Canada, supervised by Laura Rice (among the pioneers of psychotherapy research), she studied client-therapist moment-to-moment interactions in-session process and its relation to outcome. During that time, she joined the Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR) and began attending and presenting in the international annual conferences. More recently she served on the SPR Executive Committee and as International President of SPR.


Her research focuses on interpersonal patterns in close relationships and in psychotherapy, the meeting of patient attachment, therapist attachment and patient-therapist attachment matching, and the development of the therapeutic relationship in psychodynamic psychotherapy. She collaborated in the international studies on the development of psychotherapists and training programs, and is a senior collaborator in the translation of the questionnaires of SPRISTAD (SPR International Study of Training and Development). She also studies intergeneration communication and interpersonal patterns in families of Holocaust survivors.

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Prof. (Emritus) Gaby Shefler

Clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst.
The chief psychologist of Herzog medical center in Jerusalem.  Head of  ethics in psychology at the Mishkenot ShaAnanim ethics center, Jerusalem. 
Served as the head of the clinical psychology program, Department of Psychology, the Sigmund Freud Professor and the director of Freud Center for psychoanalytic studies, all in the Hebrew University. 
Was one of the first psychotherapy researchers in Israel, and conducted the first controlled randomized study (RCT) on time limited dynamic psychotherapy. He also conducted several outcome and process studies in short term dynamic psychotherapies, and an evaluation and outcome study on long term psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy with severe and chronic patients, in collaboration with “Lekol NeEfesh organization. He collaborated in the international studies on the development of psychotherapists and the training programs, and together with others translated the questionnaires and established the Israeli samples of the international studies. 
He worked intensively in treatments, teaching, supervision and research of time limited psychotherapy and published three books and numerous articles in this field
In addition he is deeply inveolvedinvolved in developing professional ethics in the helping professions. He developed  and wrote professional ethic codes for several professional associations ( Israel Psychologists association, Israel Psychoanalytic Society, Mental health officers of the IDF , etc.) and publishe in this field three books and numerous articles.  

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 Prof. Gary M. Diamond 

Gary M. Diamond, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist, family therapist and professor in the department of psychology, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, where he has served as head of the clinical program and department chair.

After finishing his Ph.D. at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pa., he went on to complete a clinical internship at the Philadelphia Child Guidance Center and a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.

He later served as the co-director of the Center for Family Intervention Sciences at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

Professor Diamond is one of the developers of attachment-based family therapy (ABFT) for depressed and suicidal adolescents.

Between the years 2005-2014, he focused on adapting ABFT for suicidal and depressed LGBT adolescents. For this work, in 2014 he and his colleague Guy Diamond received the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention's annual research award.

Professor Diamond has also developed and researched relationship-focused therapy (RFT) for LGBT young adults and their non-accepting parents. His research examines the outcome and process of RFT, including change mechanisms such as emotional processing, vulnerability and parental acceptance.

Professor Diamond also serves as the Director of the Department of Psychology’s Community Clinic. He lectures, trains and supervises therapist across Israel and internationally.

To read more about his work, you are invited to visit his webpage

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Prof Orya Tishby

Licensed clinical psychologist and supervisor. 

Head of the graduate program in clinical psychology at the Hebrew University, and faculty member at the School of Social Work and Social Welfare.

Director of the Freud Center of Psychoanalytic Research.

Treats adolescents and parents, adults and couples in her private clinic.

Her main research interest is process and outcome in short-term psychotherapy, specifically the therapeutic relationship and its effect on outcome. 


Dana Atzil - Slonim Ph.D

Dana Atzil-Slonim is a supervising clinical psychologist, a lecturer and the head of the clinical track at the Psychology Department at Bar-Ilan University.

Her studies focus on the intrapersonal processes that take place in both clients and therapists, and on the interpersonal processes that occur between them, in order to better understand change mechanisms that lead to positive psychotherapy outcome.

The research conducted in her lab aims to advance greater integration between research and practice in the field of clinical psychology. To do so, she implements a model in which all clinical activities within the university research clinic are available for scientific inquiry.

This includes a clinical research protocol enabling session-by-session monitoring, within-session recording, and therapist feedback.

Dana has a special interest in tracing the process of psychotherapy with advanced machine learning techniques. In a current collaboration between psychology experts and leading computer scientists she is conducting a multidisciplinary project that integrate moment-by-moment linguistic, vocal, facial, kinesthetic, and physiological data  with the aim of developing objective measures to monitor treatment response, remission, and possibly predict relapse or recovery in mental health disorders. Dana serves as associate editor in the journal Psychotherapy Research.


Gidon Anholt Ph.D

 Prof. Jonathan huppert

Jonathan Huppert is professor and the Sam and Helen Beber Chair of Clinical Psychology at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is a clinical psychologist, scientist practitioner, who studies the nature and treatment of anxiety, OCD, depression and related disorders. He is very interested in improving treatments via understanding their mechanisms, including cognitive, emotional, emotion regulation, behavioral, physiological, and interpersonal factors. Prof. Huppert researches cognitive biases, common and specific factors, and other mechanisms of therapy. He is currently working on understanding why common factors appear to impact treatment of OCD less than in other disorders. He is also working on developing internet based treatments.
To read articles by Prof. Jonathan huppert :

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Prof. Eva Gilboa Schechtman 

Professor Eva Gilboa-Schechtman is a researcher in the Department of Psychology and a member of the Gonda Interdisciplinary Brain Sciences Center in Bar-Ilan University.
Professor Gilboa-Schechtman is a licensed and practicing clinical psychologist.  
Professor Gilboa-Schechtman's research is concerned with the understanding of the mechanisms underlying anxiety and depressive disorders.  She is particularly interested in PTSD, Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), and Major Depressive Disorder (MDD).  
Specifically, she is interested in the way  micro (e.g., contempt expressions) and macro (e.g., ostracism) exclusion experiences impact the maintenance SAD and MDD.  To address this question, her lab has used subjective, cognitive, behavioral, hormonal, and imaging methods.
Professor Gilboa-Schechtman's is also interested in the treatment mechanisms of the above mentioned conditions.  In this line of research, her lab is involved in the examination of the effectiveness of established, as well as in the development of novel treatment methodologies.


Eran bar Klifa  Ph.D

I am a senior lecturer in the clinical track of the department of psychology at Ben-Gurion University.
I completed my Ph.D. with Prof. Eshkol Rafael (Bar-Ilan University) focusing on support processes in the daily lives of intimate couples.
I then extended my interest to dyadic processes that occur within the context of psychotherapy (therapist-client) relationships – work begun with my post-doc co-advisor, Prof. Wolfgang Lutz from Trier University. Upon my arrival at Ben-Gurion University a year and a half ago, I established my lab (the Relationship and Psychotherapy Lab), where, together with my students, I seek to understand adaptive relational processes (e.g., capitalization, support, empathy, sex) as well as the interpersonal dynamics that facilitate or hinder change within couples’ therapy. We also work to develop relational interventions to enhance dyadic responsiveness.

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​sharon ziv beiman Ph.D​

Sharon Ziv-Beiman (PhD) - Faculty in the Academic College of Tel-Aviv Yaffo. 

Head of "Mifrasim Institute for Psychotherapy Training and Research" in the School for Behavioral Sciences at the Academic College of Tel Aviv Yaffo, including heading "Ogen – Integration Based Psychotherapy Training Program".

Former chair of the Israeli Forum for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy and former board member of IARPP.

Co-manager of "Siach Group - an Institute for Relational Psychotherapy" Tel Aviv.

Manager of "Sadot Institute for Psychological Services".

Her research focuses on the inter-relations between therapeutic intervention, patients' variables and therapy stages, with emphasis on Therapist Self-Disclosure.

Private practice Tel Aviv.

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Prof. Sigal Zilcha-Mano

Licensed Clinical Psychologist, faculty member in the Department of Psychology, University of Haifa, Visiting Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology (in Psychiatry), Columbia University, NYC, and the head of the psychotherapy research lab at the Department of Psychology, University of Haifa. She also serves as associate editor for the Journal of Counseling Psychology.
She investigates processes of change in psychotherapy, especially in individuals suffering from depression, with special interest in personalized treatment approaches aimed at tailoring the treatment to the needs and characteristics of each patient, according to the mechanisms of change most effective for each individual. 
The psychotherapy research lab, headed by Prof. Zilcha-Mano, provides evidence-supported psychotherapy treatments for depression, at no charge. The lab investigates effective therapeutic processes that result in a reduction of patients' symptoms and increase in their wellbeing and quality of life, using a variety of measures (self-report, behavioral coding systems, hormonal, acoustic, and motion synchrony, and others). 
For more information on current research projects and opportunities for free treatment for depression, you are invited to visit her webpage


​Prof.Yona Teichman

Yona Teichman is a practicing Clinical Psychologist and Professor Emerita of Clinical Psychology at the School of Psychological Sciences, Tel-Aviv University, Israel where she served 6 years as the Chair of the Child Clinical Program.

At TAU she also taught at the School of Medicine, Program of Psychotherapy.

Her research and publications cover domains in Clinical and Social psychology.

She integrates Systemic and Cognitive principles of therapy, applying them particularly to the treatment of Depression.

Her approach was published in numerous articles and book chapters and she has been invited to present her work and teach practitioners in Israel, Australia, the US, and in Poland.

In Poland she was granted the status of Honorary Member of The Polish Association for Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy.

Recently, she engages in teaching and writing about Clinical Supervision.

Since 2014 she serves as head of the Graduate Program for Clinical Psychology at The Interdisciplinary Center at Hetrzeliya, Israel.

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​Michal kahn phD

Michal Kahn, PhD- Bio for Israeli SPR Group website

Dr. Kahn is a post-doctoral fellow at the Child Sleep Disorders Laboratory, based at the School of Psychological Sciences, Tel Aviv University.
Her research interests focus on identifying evidence-based treatments for child anxiety and sleep related problems, as well as moderators and mediators of such interventions.

Together with Prof. Avi Sadeh and his team, she has conducted several randomized controlled trials aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of both face-to- face and online parent-based cognitive-behavioral interventions for infant sleep disturbances, and for preschool nighttime fears and sleep related problems.

Dr. Kahn is dedicated to integrating research findings into practice in an attempt to improve patient care in this important field.
to Dr. Kahn  selected publications

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​Prof Eshkol Rafaeli

Eshkol Rafaeli is a professor of clinical psychology and the former director of clinical training in the psychology department and neuroscience center at Bar-Ilan University, Israel, where he directs the Affect and Relationships Lab.

Prior to joining BIU, the lab and Eshkol were at Barnard College, Columbia University, where Eshkol continues to serve as a research scientist.

Eshkol and his students study two key components of daily life – our affect and our relationships. In projects funded by the NIMH, ISF, BSF, the Templeton Foundation, the Hope & Optimism Initiative, and others, they’ve been examining the nature and structure of moods and emotions in the daily lives of both distressed and non-distressed individuals and couples. they look at the attempts partners make to make sense of each other’s thoughts, feelings, and needs, as well as at the interplay of good (supportive) and bad (hindering) actions that happen in the life of any couple. They also conduct psychotherapy/intervention studies, and are interested in the process and outcome of such interventions.

He is the co-author (together with David Bernstein and Jeffrey Young) of the 2010 Routledge book on Distinctive Features of Schema Therapy, and he continues to be very interested in using, teaching, supervising and researching this approach. 

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Ben Shahar Ph.D

Ben Shahar, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor at the School of Social Work and Social Welfare at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.  

He is a licensed clinical psychologist and a supervisor and trainer of Emotion-focused Therapy.  

He completed his Ph.D. in clinical psychology at the University of Arizona and his internship at Duke University Medical Center.

He conducts outcome and process research on EFT for social anxiety and self-criticism, as well as research on the role of shame and self-criticism in the development and maintenance of anxiety difficulties. 

He co-founded and co-directs the Israeli Institute of Emotion-focused Therapy, which oversees training and supervision of EFT around the country. 

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